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Whether you know who Frank Iero is or not, you have come to the right place!
I happen to be a pretty big fan of Frank Iero (maybe a bit obsessed but shhhhh its fine) and I want to express my appreciation for him in the form of dedicating a page of my website to him!
Frank Iero is most well know for his role as one of the two guitarists of American rock band, My Chemical Romance. (can you tell that i am an emo teenage girl yet)
But Being in MCR isn't the only awesome thing he has done. He has a multitude of other bands and side-projects that have been quite successful, though not to the same level as MCR.
I actually have a whole project in the works, which documents his entire musical career, which if I ever get back to working on, will appear somewhere on my website. But for now I will give you a brief overview of the bands he has been a part of.
Starting with Pencey Prep, which was before he was in MCR. Sometime in 2001, the band formed and created just one album, titled 'Heartbreak in Stereo'. Frank plays guitar and does main vocals for this album, and lets just say that his vocal abilities have improved since then. Now, technically this isn't the first band Frank was in, but I am not going to get into any of his earlier bands here, since they were hardly actual bands. But you can look forward to info about those in the future project i mentioned.
After Pencey Prep, of course, was My Chemical Romance, and, well, everyone knows about MCR, there's not much to explain. Then in 2009, He created a side-project, a band called Leathermouth. This band released one album, called 'XO'. After that, there was Frank Iero and the Cellabration in 2014, Death Spells and Frank Iero and the Patience in 2016, Frank Iero and the Future Violents approximately 2017-2021, and currently, he is the guitarist of the band L. S. Dunes.
Another interesting thing about him is that his birthday is October 31st, (on Halloween) which has actually influenced his interests and work more than you might think. It's why his first tattoo was a jack-o-latern, on his back, and also (obviously) why he has "HALLOWEEN" tattooed on his knuckles. (no, he doesn't have 9 fingers, he just put 2 L's on one finger)
he also has an interest in various spooky things to do with the holiday, like Frankenstein, horror movies in general, and is often finding ways to bring these themes into his music.
that's all for now, I'll add more here later.