What I'm working on now: Organizing and adding more content to some of the pages!! specifically the and inspirations page right now, and also have been woring on the home page and thoughts page on and off.
added alt titles to website links on the insprirations page, and also added the mystery button >:)
Added another writing piece to the writing page.
I started working on organization of the thoughts page! and I made some minor changes to the inspirations page.
hello! this change log is brand new! so there have been changes before this but i did not keep track of them.
I made a custom button for my guestbook, so i dont have to use the default one from the guestbook host.
I fixed the colour of the text on all pages, so it's a lighter blue.
I made a box for this update log to go in!
I updated the "bands i've seen live" section of the music page and added the tour posters!
I added one of my guitar covers to the music page.